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There are situations where you might need some more specialist support. As part of our values , we want to provide as comprehensive a list as we can to guide you to organisations that can help. We are not responsible for the content of external websites and they may be changed without our knowledge. All links were reviewed and in line with our values when adding them to this site.

If you're under 16 and think you might be experiencing sexual abuse now

If you experienced child sexual abuse in the past.

If you are concerned about abuse happening to others:

If you are worried about yours, or someone else’s, attraction to children

If you're under 16 and think you are experiencing sexual abuse now:
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The Survivors' Trust

The Survivors’ Trust is the largest umbrella agency for specialist rape and sexual abuse services in the UK. They help you with finding support in a UK region.

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A global directory of helplines by charity Chayn, for victims of sexual assault from around the world. Can help with finding resources in lots of different countries.
Childline is an email, chat and phone service for anyone under 19 in the UK with any issue they’re going through. Their counsellors are trained to discuss childhood sexual abuse.
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Life Centre
A small team of qualified therapists who provide support and trauma-informed therapy for people who have had an unwanted sexual experience. They provided a thoughtful email and advice to Sophia, the Secrets worth Sharing founder, when she was 16 and questioned if she was abused.
If you experienced childhood sexual abuse in the past:
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An online platform dedicated to removing rape culture in schools and education systems. There is an option on the site to share your story anonymously.
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Something to Say
Platform by Jeremy Indika, sharing stories of childhood sexual abuse. Training available in schools. There is an option on the site to share your story.
The National Association for People Abused in Childhood. They offer a range of services which provide direct support to survivors, including a support email and a support line. They have a reporting guide with advice for people considering reporting abuse.
If you are concerned about abuse happening to others:
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Completely anonymous, independent UK charity. They collect and store information on crimes, which is later sent to relevant authorities. You don’t need to tell them your name or any details about yourself. You can call on 0800 555 111 or fill in an anonymous form on their website.
The Internet Watch Foundation
Removing content online that might be harmful to children.
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Blue Sky Centre Anonymous Reporting
Helpline and advice on anonymous reporting options for those who have witnessed, experienced or suspected rape or serious sexual assault.
If you are worried about yours, or someone else’s, attraction to children:
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A confidential helpline, live chat and secure email for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse prevention.
A confidential helpline, live chat and secure email for anyone with concerns about child sexual abuse prevention.
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Lucy FaithFull Foundation 
The Lucy Faithfull Foundation is the only UK-wide child protection charity dedicated solely to preventing child sexual abuse. They work with professionals and families.
A safe and anonymous place for young people to get help and support around healthy sexual relationships, especially fi they have a sexual attraction to children. 
Identity-Specific Resouces
Supporting survivors of childhood sexual abuse in the Tamil community.
Support for female survivors age 18+, who as female children or teens were raped, sexually abused or sexually exploited by a member of their immediate or extended family, in their own personal healing through the mutual affirmation, acceptance, respect and support of other survivors.
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Support services and online chat for LGBT+ people who have experienced abuse and violence.
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Service and support for men and boys who have been affected by unwanted sexual experiences. Designed and managed by survivors.
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MindOut is a mental health service run by and for lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans, and queer (LGBTQ) people. They also do anti-racism work for people of colour.
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The Clare Project
The Clare Project run psychosocial support groups, information sessions, workshops and excursions, for and by trans, non-binary and intersex adults in Sussex.
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Switchboard is a helpline and charity that has been listening to, supporting and connecting lesbian, gay, bisexual, trans and queer communities. For people in Brighton and Hove.
A list of organisations which specifically cater to Trans people.
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Providing Black femme survivors with support, access to justice and holistic therapies around all forms of gender-based violence.
Reports, Studies and Inquiries
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IICSA was  a statutory inquiry for England and Wales, established in 2015 under the Inquiries Act 2005. They have published a number of reports of child abuse in different settings.
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The Scale and Impact of Child Sexual Abuse by the Centre of expertise on child sexual abuse (CSA Centre)
A report by the centre for childhood sexual abuse on the scale and impact of abuse, and gaps in our understanding.
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Where are the Black girls in our CSA services, studies and statistics?
An article about a study by Jahnine Davis on the lack of Black children in child abuse studies. If you would like further information or to cite the study, permission is required, please contact
For Parents, Carers and Guardians
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Provides parents with guidance on empowering their children to navigate online environments safely, written by 2Know.
This support guide offers guidance and support for parents and caregivers whose child has fallen victim to online sexual abuse.

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Registered CIC, company number 15755545.  

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